Friday, December 30, 2022

Video and Phone Interview

When you've been selected to move on in the application process, you will probably first be invited to a phone screening and/or a video interview.  You should receive a link in the invitation email.  Usually there is a time frame they'd like you to complete it by.  By all means, prepare and give yourself time, but don't wait until the last minute.  If it's a live phone interview, they will offer you a time appointment for the call.  Make sure your phone is off Do Not Disturb and is allowing calls from unknown callers because you'll probably have no idea what number the call is going to be coming from.  Answer any calls that come through around the time of the appointment.  If it's not the right caller, get off the call quickly.  Make sure you are alone and will be undisturbed.  Don't do it while driving.  You don't want your dog barking, kids crying or a TV on in the background.  

For video interviews, I recommend using a computer rather than a mobile device.  But if you don't have a choice, make sure you don't have apps popping up with notifications.  That would be a good time to activate Do Not Disturb.  Usually these videos will be you recording your answers, not talking live on video to a recruiter.  This could be the case but most likely it will be using a program they'll send you a link to where you are recording your answers.  Make sure you have good wifi.  You don't want to encounter any connection problems.

Find a spot where there is good lighting and the background isn't too chaotic.  You don't want to be disturbed so make sure anyone in your home knows this and will leave you alone.  Silence any background noise.

Research the airline you're applying to so you're prepared for questions that could be specific them.  Study the same list of questions you could get at a Face to Face interview.  You could get similar questions.  Practice and prepare your answers.  You don't know the questions you're going to get so plan for any and all.  Use the STAR method for answering (Situation, Task, Action, Result).  Don't start until you're ready.  

Dress as you would for the in-person interview.  This includes your hair and makeup.  Look professional and polished.  Smile and try and be as relaxed as possible.  You can have fun with it too.  I know it can ne nerve wracking but don't let your nerves get the best of you.   

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